If you have ever noticed on your poker journey that you are not getting the results you would like, it is time to stop coaching yourself and start coaching yourself instead.
Poker is a little like Athleticism, if you do not train yourself you will not become successful. I started playing poker at a very young age, and I have never looked back. In fact, I can remember a time when I was completely amazed that I did not have to professional make my living from it, yet I still struggled to make any money.
So, if you are thinking about coaching yourself to become a better player, I have three words for you, yes you can!
- Get self coaching
- It doesn’t have to be for a while
- It can be started today
Get yourself a coach, ask him some questions related to your game (and maybe even about your life, if you wish). The real benefit of self coaching is that it pushes you to become a better poker player by focusing your full attention on improving your weaknesses rather than your strengths.
- Choose your coach
You don’t have to be in poker necessarily, you can be in poker and still get a coach. You might think this is no big ask, but a coach from Anywhere (even if you are Currently playing poker) can offer you a lot of valuable information. Besides just giving you some tips, a coach can also give you advice on your Mistakes, so you can improve your game quite considerably over it.
If you are already playing poker and you want a coach, you should ask yourself this question, what is his/her interest? Is he/she just coaching for the sake of a coach, or can he/she actually help you improve your game?
A coach can primarily help you improve the weaknesses in your game, such as in reigning away your ego, or not letting the ego get in the way of you making correct decisions, both of which are important no matter if you are coaching a patient or a patient is coaching himself/her self.
A good coach will work with you to help improve these weaknesses over and over again.Over time you will get better at poker, just like on any other endeavor, you will make some small but important improvements, and this is the basis for all great poker players to be great. Consider coaching yourself to be a great poker player, and you will improve just like a pads or a coach and a coach can help you on the path to greatness.
Just remember, you are YOU, you are special, and you can coach yourself to be the best player, but a coach that understands not just Self coaching, but also Growth mindset, will be the best player because a coach is able to instruction and advise in ways that willTrue Increase you gain the right to become the best player, but a coach that will push you to be the best player you can be.
Can you imagine the lifestyle of a pokerace99 superstar? Almost nothing can compare to having a list of opponents that you despise, a list of friends that you won’t soon forget, and a Roman preceded by a centenarian on the greens. The lifestyle of a poker superstar is highly addictive, highly thrilling and features a lot of ego-stroking. If this is the lifestyle you want to enter, then timing yourself to get started is essential. Start today and you will feel the rewards before you get out of bounds.
The beats of poker are amazingly consistent and predictable. Against even the best players, the frequency of your major beats is predictable within the first dozen of hands. Hence if you can scrape together enough edges to even the odds and win a few hands, before long you’ll be bringing in the cash.
Don’t aim to be a superstar, instead be a step ahead of all the really smart and capable players at your table by accumulating small edges. In the long run you’ll be the one doing all the heavy lifting.